Earth Measure



“Earth Measure,” titled after the ancient Greek origins for ‘geometry,’ (γεωμετρ?α; geo- ‘earth,’ -metron ‘measurement’) is a work by sculptor Matt Weir at Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest in Clermont, KY. This artwork is in honor of Barry Bingham Jr.’s life and service (1933- 2006). It underscores his understanding of the importance of observing, experiencing and appreciating the natural environment.

Earth Measure is an educational, interactive and multi-dimensional earthwork that must be experienced to be appreciated. It poses questions on the fundamental forms of the circle, square and triangle. It invites discovery by all ages both physically and intellectually. It places the visitor in a meadow and beckons them to tune in to acoustic ecology and soundscape science. In other words, the sculpture both frames the environment through its “lens” and captures the sounds of seasonal wildlife through audio waves directed to the center of the listening dome or spherical dish. It is simultaneously simple and complex, scientific and artistic, monumental and graceful.

Earth Measure also fulfills Isaac Wolfe Bernheim’s deepest intention for the gift he gave the people of Kentucky, when he established the arboretum and research forest. It creates an inspirational and uniquely contemplative space, or stage, as it were, for people to connect deeply with nature.

– Martha Slaughter Independent Curator, Speed Art Museum Board of Trustees.

Indiana Limestone / Earth
14’ x 50’ w x 74’ d.
Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest, Clermont, KY 2013

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To see more of Matt Weir’s work